Why I Love My Body

Guys, I'm going to tell you how to be a fit and attractive muscular in a short span of time. I have shaped my body from fat to shape muscle. Few things going to work for you if you're looking for a muscular attractive body.

You need to set your goal before focusing on a particular muscle group, so what are you aiming for?

A toned body?

Muscle mass?

Happy Healthier lifestyle?

If you want to build muscle it's a whole different ball game, you need time, a lot of motivation, a balanced and well-planned diet which usually also involves supplements.

If you are aiming at to tone up and strengthen your muscles (like the pic) and living a healthier life than things are a little simpler. You still need time to for training but not necessarily in the gym, you should still change your diet to a healthier well-balanced one but you will not need to eat as much as when you looking muscular body.

For muscle group, you should target your core muscles for strength, target a different muscle group on each session and allow your body to rest, that includes good sleep.

Best of luck. (Go beat the obstacles it's not the rocket science Dude!)

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